Today’s portrait subject, as you may have guessed from the title, is a shining example of what it means to be a ginger. No, it’s not Ed Sheeran (although, now that I am looking at it, it could be mistaken for him). It’s not Prince Harry either; good ideas for future portraits though.

It is one of my favorite guys to see live. It is Brett Dennon! He has a loyal fan base and generally sticks to smaller venues. His sound is as unique as his look. He music is mostly upbeat and pleasant and he’s super quirky; dancing in bare feet on a rug he places on the stage. Often it’s just him and his guitar. Even the way he moves his body is unusual and always keeps me glued to his performance. I think in life your oddities eventually become your superpowers. In looking back through my past portraits, the people I really adore are the ones who never conformed and held on to their own eccentricities which is the ultimate way of expressing your human-ness! It is for all these reasons that I just adore this guy and always try to see him when he comes to town.

I have always thought red hair was so exotic. Brett’s hair had all the shades of ginger so I had a ton of fun with it. It was challenging to capture the peaches and cream skin dotted with little freckles.

The best hair.

Lots of pinkish areas in his skin tone.

The flannel shirt was much more challenging than I thought it would be but I was pleased with the end result.

The eyes. Now I see why turquoise and orange pair so well together…….It is a pairing straight from mother nature.

Killer highlights.

I heard him today in the background at the grocery store and was bouncing up and down the aisles with a pep in my step. I always wonder if this is just a strange coincidence when something like this happens of if it is just a matter of selective hearing since he’s been on my mind. I like to think there’s a little magic in the air sometimes. It’s way more fun!!!

Thanks for joining and supporting me through my portrait adventures.

Happy almost New Year!!!

