My next portrait subject is someone who I really admired. He carved his own path (literally and figuratively). He let me live vicariously while he ate and travelled across the globe and honored people and cultures of every variety. He gave me insight into other ways of life. He was humble, non-judgemental, and authentic in his interview style and made me feel like I was sitting right next to him being included in all the festivities. He is the beloved ANTHONY BOURDAIN.

Despite the sometimes raw, gruff exterior, this guy exuded such a warmth, too. Beneath the tough guy, I always saw a childlike quality. Maybe it was the tousled hair that always looked like he just rolled out of bed or maybe it was something in his eyes but there was an innocence and vulnerability (even despite his bad boy reputation and addiction problems).

I loved this portrait for it’s simplicity and grace, which is how I remember him best, just a guy hanging out with you in a t-shirt shooting the breeze.

The warmth of the eyes.

Miss this guy but I am glad I still have the legacy of his show and still enjoy it from time to time.

Thanks for indulging me on my portrait adventures!

