Last week I experimented with stippling to create an embroidered piece resembling an ink drawing. This week I thought I would take it one step further and create a colored embroidery resembling a painting. For this project I employed a simple technique also used in painting and drawing.*** Draw what you see not what you think you see.*** This sentence was such a game changer for my drawing and painting. I interpret this to mean that you have to kind of throw away your logic side of your brain. For this example, I will be painting a simple butter knife. Try not to think of this as the object that it is and instead just see the shapes, colors, and values. Get lost in them. Don’t let the left side of your brain define what you are seeing. Just see.
Sometimes if you are having trouble seeing beyond the object, you can try a simple experiment. Draw the painting upside down. This may help you lose context of what you are looking at so that you can just ‘see’ and not define.
Try not to recognize the object you are painting but instead just observe color, shape and pattern. If you need to trick that left brain into taking a step back, turn your picture upside down or look at it in a mirror and just see the shape, pattern, and color.
Pictured above is the stabilizer I like to use to trace my designs onto. There are plenty of brands out there so experiment and find the one you like.
Above is the interfacing I most commonly use on my cotton fabric embroideries.
Step away, take breaks and come back to gain perspective. Take a photo or view it in a mirror.
When you step away and bring your logic brain back you will be surprised by what you created.
It’s an interesting perspective on the knife that has taken on a whole new form. By itself, it looks like something totally unique while still possessing a lot of the qualities of the original photo. The stitch work adds such a whole new flavor.
I truly hope you enjoyed this post. I had so much fun making it. Even if you don’t try the actual project the technique can be used in so many other ways such as drawing and painting. It is such a fabulous form of meditation. When I get into it, I lose all sense of time and feel so deeply relaxed much the way others describe meditation. This could even be applied to coloring. A great technique to employ as we brace for the upcoming holidays!
I do have some free printable coloring pages to try.
HERE, Free Printable Coloring Bookmarks HERE, a coloring page or embroidery pattern HERE.
*This post may contain some affiliate links.
Please enjoy!
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