The next portrait subject I chose was Jackie Kennedy Onassis. She was such an icon. I can never seem to hear enough about her or see too many pictures. She is just one of those people that captured everyone’s attention, even long after she was gone. Whenever her name is mentioned, the picture that is conjured in my mind is the pink outfit with the pill box hat so I did a nod to that but altered it a little.


I found a lovely reference picture but it did not have the hat, so I added one. I was experimenting with dried flowers and added a delicate vail to her hat as well as the dried rose bouquets just to see what they would look like.


I used silver thread french knots to create the earring.


I really wavered with whether or not to add the pillbox hat but in the end, I decided I just had to.

We all remember Jackie’s iconic photo the day her husband was shot. When I looked it up, it was very pink and she was carrying bright red roses. The pink and red combo really stuck with me so my Jackie has a red outfit and pink rosebuds, as a little twist.


I am still playing with the flowers and not sure whether or not I will keep them but I love doing little photoshoots with them to experiment.


I do like the delicate little flowers.


I thought about sewing tiny pearls onto the necklace but since the pearls were varying shapes and sizes, I decided just to hand sew them.


Here I took the vail off and spread out the roses. I thought about adding little pearls too. Still playing around with ideas.

Well thanks, as always, for joining and supporting me on my portrait adventures!

