I’ve always thought that it’s so funny how people tend to grow into their names. For instance, I know of a dentist named Dr. Fang. There are so many more examples that I’m not thinking of right now but my next portrait subject surely is the finest example of this phenomenon. It is the one and only JANE GOODALL and, yes, I believe she does things for the good of us all! I really admire and appreciate her as a person but also as a public figure who is using her platform to help and try to save the planet. I love that she really created her own unique path in life and follows her heart so fervently. So admirable!


I really had a hard time deciding what kind of portrait I would like to make. Should I use one of her younger photos that everyone is so familiar with or choose a more recent representation? I decided that her recent photos (which I think are as equally beautiful, even more so) represent all her accomplishments. I liked including the microphone since her public speaking and creating awareness surrounding climate change is a huge part of who she has become.

I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this portrait. The background fabric is a piece of curtain sample that my Mom recently cleaned out of one of her closets. I knew as soon as I saw it that it would be the background fabric for Jane since it had a jungle vibe plus it is such a great contrast to Jane’s fair hair and skin. The pop of her coral jacket is just perfect. I also loved the tiny wisps of hair that escaped in the breeze from being outside.


One of the things I appreciated about Jane is the kindness of her face, particularly the warmth of her eyes. She looks like someone you would want a big hug from.

I struggled with the black turtleneck so I ended up adding a lot of color variation to represent the contrast where the shirt wrinkled or curled.


I loved working on the color variation in her hair, particularly because it was so striking on the black background.


Usually each portrait I finish most recently becomes my favorite one but ,I have to say, I feel a particular fondness for this one.

Thanks for stopping by and joining me on my portrait adventures!

Hope you are all staying well and strong during these challenging times!

