With the warm weather approaching sandals will soon be making an appearance and with sandals come dry heels. I like to apply moisturizer in the summertime before I go to bed and wake up with nice soft feet in the morning. Besides, a nice little foot massage before bed is fantastic way to end the day. This recipe could also be a wonderful Mother's Day gift too!
Here is how to do it:
STEP 1. Gather all your ingredients together. You will need one teaspoon of beeswax. If you do not know of a place that sells this locally, it is very easy to find online. I did a quick internet search and I saw amazon, Walmart, and many other places carry it. I like to get the little pearls because they melt really well. Coconut oil is available at your local grocery store. I found this distilled water at the grocery store, too. You can actually make the distilled water at home if you don't feel like buying it. It is just a process of boiling out the impurities. I looked it up and found some tutorials that involved trapping evaporated water in the inverted lid of a pot. I lucked out at the grocery store and found this "WAT-AAH" in the flavored water section. The borax was in the detergent section and sometimes you can even find the essential oils at the market, too.
STEP 2. Measure out your beeswax and coconut oil into a saucepan and melt over low heat.
STEP 3. At the same time, measure 3 Tablespoons distilled water and add one teaspoon borax and cook over low heat until the borax has dissolved.
Here I am whisking. The borax has dissolved so I remove the mixture from the heat.
Here is the coconut oil and beeswax all melted. Remove from heat.
STEP 4: When the borax has dissolved and the beeswax is melted, remove both mixtures from the heat to cool. Give it 5-10 minutes. While you are letting them cool, get a bowl of ice. Now place the pan containing the oil mixture in the bowl of ice and add the essential oils to your liking. I added 15-20 drops of each. Make sure to be whisking this the whole time, as the ice begins to solidify the mix. Keep stirring to keep your mixture a nice smooth consistency.
Adding the oils.
Just wanted to show you what the mixture starts to look like as it starts to harden in the ice bath.
STEP 5: At this point, you want to slowly add the borax mixture to the oil mixture and whisk, whisk, whisk! It starts to thicken immediately.
Blurred action shot of me whisking away.
Starting to thicken up nicely.
And done!
This recipe makes about 3/4 cup. I doubled it to make two (one for me, of course!) I added some mica powder for the rose tint (this is a natural tint you can add to beauty products.) I just used the small Ball jars to store it in. It is a nice creamy consistency and has a pleasing (without being overpowering) smell.
I like to rub this on my feet, put an old pair of socks on, and let it absorb overnight. When I wake up the next morning, my feet feel nice and soft! Now I just want to mention that the coconut oil can feel a little greasy if you are not used the consistency. You could experiment with other oils (such as olive or jojoba) if you aren't a fan of the coconut. I personally love the smell and it melts on contact with your skin. I got plenty on my hands when I was making it and it is a heavy moisturizer (too heavy, in my opinion, for the face but fantastic for feet and other rough spots, like elbows).
If you enjoyed this recipe and would like some more, I have an ebook available on the home page HERE with 30 natural beauty recipes. It is lovingly hand illustrated and contains some of my very favorites with lots of tips and tricks for making your own products! Available as a printable PDF or a digital e-book.
Well I do hope you are able to take a little time to pamper your tootsies! It's the little treats that make life fun!