Tuesday was 70 delightful degrees. All around you could find bulbs awakening from their long winter's nap; little green leaves shaking off the dirt and reaching for the sun. Birds chirping happy little songs, bunnies gleefully hopping everywhere......... then, Wednesday, this happens:
A snow so wet and heavy blankets the trees, bends their bud filled branches and covers those delicate and hopeful buds. This sums up springtime in Colorado. I remember when we lived in New Jersey, putting away our clothes when the seasons changed. In wintertime, summer clothes were packed in boxes and put under beds or at the top of closets where they would stay until the following season when it felt like unwrapping a present; the happy reunion with forgotten cherished outfits and the memories they held. Here in Colorado, everything stays out all year long because you come to expect the unexpected.
The town was totally shut down, school was closed, and appointments were cancelled. It was windy with blizzard like conditions from 4am to 6pm. It was a completely unexpected forced day off filled with soup making, cookie baking, reading, movie watching and, of course, some painting and drawing. I decided to celebrate this day off by making a cute little spring coloring page because even though it's winter outside, it's still spring in my heart.
Click HERE to get your free spring coloring page!
Just like that girl Annie said, "The sun will come out tomorrow". And It did
Hope you enjoy it and get in the zone coloring and dreaming of spring!